Coastal Bend Air Quality Partnership – Regional Air Quality Data

Gregory – Portland Air Quality Data by University of Texas

Impact of Refinery Row on the City of Corpus Christi: Study conducted for Indigenous Peoples of the Coastal Bend


At a Coastal Bend Audubon Society meeting on Jan. 4, 2022, Dr. Paul Montagna of TAMUCC’s Harte Research Institute presented a “Salinity Vulnerability Assessment of Corpus Christi Bay“. Dr. Montagna offered us all a great way to better understand the importance of salinity in our closed bay system and how critical it will be to protect our species diversity in the future by using sound science in planning and development in the Coastal Bend area.

Nueces County Health Equity Report: Folks on the northside of Corpus Christi have a life expectancy of 15 years LESS than the south side


Harte Research Institute (TAMUCC): Desalination Science page (current statement and past research)

Loud and Clear: What public regulatory complaints reveal about Texas’ oversight of oil and gas pollution and whom it serves

University of Texas Marine Science Institute (UTMSI): Marine Science Literature for Desalination & Channel Deepening Projects