If you live in the Coastal Bend, you are encouraged to take Chispa TX’s community survey!

¿Qué significa para ti la justicia climática? ¡Toma nuestra encuesta comunitaria, hoy!

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) is taking preliminary comment for Liquified Natural Gas exporter Cheniere’s proposed two liquefication train additions in Portland. Read FERC’s notice for more info and you can submit comments online with the Project Number PF22-10-000

Hillcrest Residents of North Corpus Christi filed a Title VI Environmental Racism complaint against the City of Corpus Christi for their Inner Harbor desalination plans. Read the Earthjustice report & the Caller Times article for more info. Here is a deeper dive on Hillcrest by Chase Rogers. Tell the City of Corpus Christi and all candidates for City Council: Stand with Hillcrest and oppose desalination!

To find more actions, please visit our allies’ webpages, listed here