The Port of Corpus Christi keeps telling us they are seeking the two desal permits on Harbor Island and La Quinta Channel for municipal and industrial use.
But, we once again find municipal use is not their concern. On September 15, the Port had to approve a conservation plan to be submitted to the TCEQ for the Water Rights for La Quinta Channel.
In the staff memo to the Port Commissioners, they once again try to say the reason for the Port seeking desalination permits for La Quinta Channel and Harbor Island is to sustain community and industrial growth.

But, in their application to the TCEQ, they state “Water generated will serve new industrial development in San Patricio and Nueces Counties.”

The application then asks them to spell out the population growth to be served. They respond with growth in San Patricio County. Between 2020 and 2060, they show an increase in population from the current 68,760 to 76,405, a whopping 7,645 more folks moving to the county in the next 40 years.
The San Patricio Municipal Water District reports 10 million gallons per day (MGD) serves 68,000 municipal customers. So, a population growth of 7,645 over the next 40 years could be accommodated with a mere 1 or 2 MGD increase in supply.
So, why are they building a 30 MGD facility on LQ Channel and a 50 MGD on Harbor Island? The plastics manufacturing industry and other big users.
Don’t forget they bought 3,800 acres around the McCampbell Airport and they want someone to locate there. The TCEQ application also required them to provide a map of the service area.
Take a look at the map they provided below. There is no community being served, only Port property.
And lest we forget, the City of Corpus Christi wants to add another 40 MGD facility on the La Quinta Channel.
It’s a fact Jack. They are threatening the entire bay and ecosystem for no one but themselves and the industries they want to locate here.