A number of ammonia facilities are seeking to locate in the Coastal Bend of Texas. Some say as many as 40 different projects are possible. All of these prospective facilities will require water for their operations; water that we currently don’t have available for them.
Our local leaders have bought into this massive build-out and the City of Corpus Christi announced it is planning to combine a new groundwater source with three (3) desalination facilities to obtain an additional 150 Million Gallons of water per day to meet the demand of these new industries.
At the regular CAPE meeting on March 7, 2024, Jane Patton, U S Fossil Economy Campaign Manager at the Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) provided us with an overview of the build-out of ammonia facilities; the connection between hydrogen and ammonia, carbon capture, the speculative market for the product, and the new infrastructure required to accommodate its development and transport, including desalination.
The following link takes you to the 40 minute presentation. This presentation is a must listen to understand what our local, state, and federal governments are doing to accommodate this insanity.
The Carbon Supply Chain: A Looming and Urgent Threat: (Passcode: wPH*2y=3)

Local Activist Wins Global Environmental Award
“The Calhoun County woman known for winning the largest citizen lawsuit in the history of the U.S. Clean Water Act was celebrated for her environmental achievements in San Francisco this week.
Diane Wilson received the Goldman Environmental Prize, which the award’s executive director called the “Nobel Peace Prize for the environment.” Wilson was the sole prize winner from North America, as each of the recipients represented one continent or world region…”
2023 Goldman environmental prize winners include Texas Gulf coast defender

We are happy Reveal News included our community in a critical story addressing climate change. It begins here in the Coastal Bend of Texas and ends in Alaska; from capturing a contributing source to climate change in Cheniere, to the impact of climate change on the Bering Sea. In between, placing the challenges we face in excellent context with a discussion on demand, policy, and how ill prepared we are to respond to its impacts, beginning with simple communication. Listen to the podcast here
Cost Benefit Analysis of Coastal Bend Water Supply Options is released at 11/2/22 press conference. Results show that 1) industrial water use has increased by nearly 70% in the last decade, and that 2) desalination is the costliest option for addressing water needs. CAPE’s Errol Summerlin provides introductory remarks. Read more about the issue at www.desaldisaster.com
Funding for this Study by Autocase was provided by a grant from a source that wishes to remain anonymous. While the Study includes groundwater as an alternative for comparative cost purposes, Evangeline Laguna LLC did not provide any funding for this study.
Click HERE for the recording of the Nov. 13th 2021 CAPE Climate Summit: “Race to Save the Coastal Bend“.
Click the image above to learn more about the environmental and financial costs of desalination.
Fractracker has produced a 12-minute “Channels of Life” video featuring an aerial view of the industrial buildout around Corpus Christi Bay along with interactive maps of the region.

Click the image above to learn more about how the wrong kind of industrial growth is harming our bays.

Our bays can’t vote, but YOU can!